This session proposes a group of dialogues with international and national specialists about publications of the cinema of the real and subjects related to the distribution, exhibition and generation of documentary knowledge. In addition to including talks with the invited directors. These dialogues can be followed on our social networks during and after the 23 MIDBO.

Dialogue 1
MIDBO celebrates the birth of publications around the cinema of the real thing. This dialogue will have three sessions:
October 26, 3:00 p.m. at 5:00 p.m. Online
Guests: Mauricio Durán, David Jurado, Maria Luna and Pablo Mora.
Moderator: Pedro A. Zuluaga, 23 MIDBO programmer.
In this section we will discuss three recently published books about the cinema of the real: Alteropoéticas del yo en el cine documental colombiano, of David Jurado, El cine como máquina de pensamiento y control: aparatos, dispositivos y autómatas of Mauricio Durán and the version printed of the book: Territorio y memoria sin fronteras, nuevas estrategias para pensar lo real of Pablo Mora,
October 27, 3:00 p.m. at 4:00 p.m. Online from Cinemateca de Bogotá.
We will discuss the publication of La pesadilla de Nanook # 2 with Diego García Moreno, Hugo Chaparro Valderrama, Diana Diaz Soto, Amanda Sarmiento, Alejandra Meneses, Juan Camilo Álvarez and Mavila Trujillo.
Moderator: Hugo Chaparro, General Editor of La pesadilla de Nanook
La pesadilla de Nanook with the slogan “the panic of the real”, dedicates the pages of its second edition to the documentary trade in the conditions that the world has been going through since the end of 2019, when the Covid-19 health emergency was decreed.
Based on testimonies from documentary filmmakers located in different parts of the planet, chronicles that record the evolution of the pandemic, essays on the transformation of human relationships due to social distancing and virtuality, film reviews in which their filmmakers witnessed how it was It started the tragedy in the Wuhan hospitals until it reached the dimension that would affect millions of people. In addition to our usual section of reviews - about documentaries that will be part of the 23rd Bogotá International Documentary Film Festival - MIDBO, the Second edition of La pesadilla de Nanook contributes to the memory of a time that the generation who lived would never forget.
The magazine can be consulted at http://alados.co/pesadilladenanook/
October 27, 4:00 p.m. at 5:00 p.m. Online.
Guests: Patricia Zimmerman, Scott MacDonald (co-editors), Carlos Gutierrez, Distributor of Cinema Tropical.
Moderator: Juana Suárez - Director, Moving Image Archiving & Preservation Program, New York University.
The authors are going to dialogue about is the publication Flash Flaherty, the long-awaited volume that follows The Flaherty: Decades in the Cause of Independent Cinema. The book collects the popular history of the famous Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, an annual event held in the United States in which participants confront and reimagine the creative process around multiple forms and documentary modes of the moving image. Flash Flaherty contributors exemplify how the Flaherty Seminar fuels shared ideas, challenging discussions, and real change in the world of independent media. In this dialogue, in addition to understanding the polyphonic story that the book proposes, it seeks to deepen the relationships with Latin American authors who have participated in the publication.
Dialogue 2
October 27, 6:00 p.m. at 7.30 p.m. Online.
Guests: Mariana Gándara (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Patricia Zimmerman (Flaherty, Ithaca College), Carlos Velandia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Moderator: Juana Schlenker - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
This dialogue aims to address the experiences that allow the academy to be positioned as a thinking laboratory that contributes to the development and dissemination of documentary practice. From experiences such as the Bergman chair, the Flaherty Seminar, the Environmental Film Festival and the repositioning in the history of the Equinoxio film festival of the la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, the participants will debate how the idea of thought laboratories arises around the exhibition and production academic on film and documentary.
Dialogue 3
October 28. 3:00 pm. at 4:30 p.m. Online.
Guests: Garbiñe Ortega (Former Point of View Director), Aida Vallejo (UPV Researcher), Paola Castillo (Executive Director of the Corporación Chilena del Documental CCDOC.
Moderator: Adriana Mora Arango - Professor - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
A dialogue around the new perspectives of the circulation of documentary practice in film festivals, alternative platforms, research networks and editorial publications. In this dialogue, three leading women in different fields of documentary from research, publications, international circulation and the direction of festivals in which the cinema of reality is a central component discuss their experiences.
Dialogue 4
Virtual Mirrors
October 28, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Online.
Presents: Daniel Téllez - Capital Channel.
Guests: Gustavo Fernández (Director of Cicatrices en la tierra) Gisela Restrepo Triviño (Director of Bajo el silencio y la tierra) Joel Stängle (Director of La Niebla de la Paz)
Moderator: Andrés Pedraza - Programmer 23 MIDBO
The peace accords between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP marked a milestone in contemporary Colombian history. From these, our society would no longer be the same. Going through a broad sector that believes in this negotiation process and demands the implementation of the agreements, even by those who reject it and consider it a pact of impunity. Reaffirming the involvement of our country, in its broadest sense, in a profound process of truth, justice and memory. This dialogue reflects on the need to document the (post) conflict, its first consequences, the flesh and blood people and the work of the documentalist in said registry: the passage of a war that has gone through to the depths of being and peace emerging despite all kinds of obstacles.
Dialogue 5
October 28, 3:00 p.m. at 4.30 p.m. On-line.
Guests: Stefan Pavlović (Director of Looking for horses) and Guido Hendrikx (Director of A Man and a Camera).
Moderator: Juan Pablo Franky - Programmer 23 MIDBO
In this dialogue we are going to reflect about two of the most formally innovative films in the 23 MIDBO. Thematically they seem to have in common the loneliness that can be the trigger for solidarity and friendship or perhaps hide behind the documentary device to undertake the patient search for them. From apparently dissimilar places, such as the interior of the country or from an almost uninhabited island to which the roots of a lost language are to be sought, in these stories that move between the subjective and the ironic observation we do not see the face of any of the two directors, they as beings who film, are always the men behind the cameras.
Dialogue 6
October 29th. 6:00 pm. at 7:30 p.m. On-line.
Guests: Theo Anthony (Director of All light, Everywhere), Alejandro Lanz (NGO Temblores) and Claudia Salamanca (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
Moderator: Maria Luna - Artistic Director 23 MIDBO
Regarding the most recent film by Theo Anthony, All light, everywhere (2021), this dialogue proposes a discussion around the film and the recent situations of police abuse in Colombia in relation to the scope of the images and the use of the video surveillance technologies. We wonder about freedom control devices and non-professional audiovisual records as truth clarification mechanisms.
Dialogue 7
November 1, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Onsite during the screening of the film at the Sala Capital - Cinemateca de Bogotá. + Online
Guests: Omar Rincón (FES Comunicaciones), Alejandro Martín (Curator of La Tertulia Museum), Veridiana Zurita (Director of Televizinho).
Moderator: Andrés Pedraza - Programmer 23 MIDBO
In Brazil, Televizinho is called who did not have television, but went to his neighbors' houses to watch it. Since 2016, Veridiana was the Televizinha of many homes along the Tupana River, she sat with the families to watch soap operas, to share her emotions, to laugh and cry in the heat of the daily broadcasts. Based on this film and in dialogue with its director, Omar Rincón and Alejandro Martín reflect on the importance of the popular, the presence of television and the transmediations that arise in this documentary. This talk is in turn our tribute to Jesús Martín Barbero in which we remember the value he found in soap operas as a place of research and again we evoke the teacher, the father and the friend who always invited us to think with our own heads.