Pablo Mora Calderón
Anthropologist with a Master’s degree in Anthropology. Researcher of media communication, indigenous cinema, identity, memory, art, and conflict. He is a writer and teacher of Cine de lo real or Real-life cinema and visual anthropology at different universities in Colombia. He is director and producer of several series and documentaries for radio and television, among them Crónica de un Baile de Muñeco (2003), Sey Arimaku o la otra sombra (2011) and El buen vivir (2020). Advisor to community and indigenous audiovisual communication groups. For four years he served as the director of the MIDBO and as the founder and promoter of the Indigenous Film and Video Exhibition of Colombia, DAUPARÁ. He is currently an advisor to the Colectivo Wiwa de Comunicaciones Bumkuaneiuman and the Colectivo Arhuaco Yosokwi de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and a delegate of the Tayrona Indigenous Confederation in the National Indigenous Communication Commission, Concip. His books include the co-edition of Frontetas Expandidas: el documental en Latinoamérica (Alados, 2015), Poéticas de la Resistencia (Idartes, 2015), Máquinas de la visión y espíritu de indios (Idartes, 2019) y Territorio y memoria sin fronteras: nuevas estrategias para pensar lo real (Alados, 2021). He works as a teacher on the Master of Audiovisual Creation at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Several of his audiovisual productions have earned him national and international awards and distinctions.