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Garden for the strawflower

Garden for the strawflower

Juan Alonso 

Colombia / 2021 / 5’


What is the measure for pain? How to complete the empty spaces that an unfair taken life left behind? Jardín para la Siempreviva is a poetic and visual journey by the debris left by the institutionality. It is channeled by the homonymous poem by writer Juan Manuel Roca, from Antioquia. The emerging images, evoked as a whisper, power the allegory of the point of view and procure an intimacy and empathy clime with a family tragedy full of complications, but that finishes with an opening to life and with a reflection on justice and the sense of institutions in Colombia.

By Salvador García



Magmart International Videoart Festival, 2021.


Producer: Nicolás Rico



Sunday, Octobre 31st, 5:00 p.m.  


Available from October 26th to November 1st, on the Virtual  Theatre MIDBO for Colombia. 



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