Indentity At The Margin
The center has probably never been a place for freedom but a niche of exemplifying inventions. These characters share the divergences of their search in this unstable territory, are or have been migrants, even in their own body –as the protagonist of ¿Quién soy?– or – as the director of The filmmaker’s house– in their own labor; and it is in the role of the inmigrant where the question of ‘being in the world’ is unavoidable, as it incarnates the idea of estrangement: from oneself, the other, and the inhabited space. This program makes us think that identity, that unstable and problematic concept, far from being placed in an affirmation, wanders among questions, encounters, and suspicions; that is why it invites us to look at ourselves from the margin, because it may be the other, in their loneliness, confusion, rebelliousness, resistance or simply, in their daily search how we can also recognize us and questioning us. Here, Cinema presents to us as a place for the doubt, a margin of freedom.
By Juliana Arana Toscano