Hubert Sauper
Austria – France / 2020 / 108’
“Havanna means Heaven and it was the epicenter of three dystopian chapters of History: slave trade, colonization and the globalization of power” announces the start of the film Epicentro by Hubert Sauper. Through the view of two young girls -which sets up the common thread of this film-, we are presented with the questioning of cinema as a machine of representation and diversion. The motive is Cuba’s contradictions: between the nostalgic dream of being a paradise kept apart from the Capitalist world and its reality in which tourists, photographers, filmmakers -as Sauper himself- and film students cross their paths longing to keep a part of the Cuban spirit for themselves. Each of them is the sign of several points of view set on one single country. Awe-inspiring scenes show the skill of the renowned director of “La pesadilla de Darwin” (Darwin’s nightmare), who gives us one of the best documentaries in recent years and invites us to address the controversy about power representation in documentary films and cinema as imperialism’ machine.
By Maria Luna
Award by the judges at Sundance, Vienna Film Prize (Vienna/Viennale), Best Editing.
Producers: Gabriele Kranzelbinder, Paolo Calamita, Barbara Pichler, Daniel Marquet, Martin Marquet | Photography: Hubert Sauper | Sound: Lenja Gathmann | Editing: Hubert Sauper, Yves Deschamps |
Friday, October 29th, 7:00 p.m.
Available from October 26th to November 1st, on the Virtual Theatre MIDBO for Colombia.
Movie with limited views